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Questions To Ask Before Choosing Birth Control

Due to advances in birth control, you have more than a few options available to you. There are so many options that some women have trouble choosing which one they want to use. Here are some questions to ask yourself before choosing a birth control method.  

What Is Your Medical History?

Depending on your medical history, some of your birth control options could be limited. Some conditions are exacerbated by certain types of birth control. You need to narrow your choices down to those that are safe for you to take.  

For instance, if you have diabetes, taking oral contraceptives could potentially cause changes in your blood sugar levels. By contrast, using condoms or an IUD would probably be a safer option.  

Do You Plan to Have Children in the Near Future?

Birth control is divided into permanent and temporary measures. If you plan to have children sometime in the near future, you need to factor this into your decision. It is important to note that some temporary measures can have a longer impact on your fertility.  

For instance, hormone shots are a highly effective method of preventing pregnancy and it is considered to be temporary. However, it can take three to 18 months before you start ovulating once the hormone shots are stopped. If you are planning to have a family in the near future, you would have to stop taking the shots months before you want to start. 

What Is Your Lifestyle?

Birth control is only as effective as the consistency with which you use it. Therefore, it is important to factor in your lifestyle to your birth control. 

For instance, if you have trouble finding time to focus on birth control throughout the day, you should look for methods that do not require daily usage. In this instance, a hormone shot, which is only taken every few months, might be the best option.  

What Is Included in Your Insurance?

Depending on your insurance provider, there might be restrictions placed on which forms of birth control are covered. For instance, some insurance providers do not provide coverage for IUDs.  

Before making your final decision, contact your insurance provider and find out if there are any restrictions in place for birth control. If so, obtain a list of methods that are covered.  

You might try different methods of birth control before finally settling on one. Work closely with your OB/GYN to find the one that is right for you. 
